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Im Craig, an Animation student

Friday 19 November 2010

Its a trap!

Heres my latest animation of Vince Vallero, motion capture really is a pig, the animations in the MoCap were on 2 different levels so he sinks into the floor :(

Cant wait to get him rigged properly so I can animate him.

Thursday 11 November 2010


I was having a look at some projects I was working on before I started Uni again in september, I found this guy!

My first attempts at a morph modifier in 3dsMax. I was pleased with him, thought there is a pretty bad error present! When he leans back I've noticed a pixel getting pulled up on his left foot. This is because I must have linked that 1 pixel to the chest bone whilst skinning, I shall upload a new one when its fixed.

I realised that the work I did in year one is still on the old blog, so I've decided to upload the work I like the most in this post!