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Im Craig, an Animation student

Wednesday 22 June 2011


So yeah.. no posts in over a month!? Madness. I have only myself to blame!

I've finished the second year at University and have opted to take the placement year before going onto my final year. My results came in yesterday... AAACA, well chuffed! As expected the first thing the parents ask is "What did you get the C in?!", typical. I got the C in digital media culture, post modernism / modernism & me didnt really get along very well. But its still a pass, so what the hell!

Since finishing uni I've been guilty of basically doing.. bugger all. Yeah, and I'm proud! I wanted to savour a few week, work / hassle / stress free and just relax. So for the past few week I've just been biking around & playing video games. Suck it.

Though now is the time to get my arse into gear! This year I'm planning on doing a few short films, I already have actors lined up, I also have some of the equipment needed. All I need now is some damn good stories, I have quite a few idea's in my head, but getting them down onto paper (or pc..) is pretty damn daunting. Seeing as I've never written a screenplay before I'm going to start with short, 1 page treatments to get into it. Then maybe take some exisiting stories, from books or films, and try to convert them into a screenplay. It's all good practice!

I'll update again at somepoint this week, probably the weekend. My website needs revamping aswell, I'd better get cracking!