Animation of the week...
Learning animation from the basics seem's daunting, but its something I need to do. Here's my first animation of my "Animation Basics" exploration.
Learning animation from the basics seem's daunting, but its something I need to do. Here's my first animation of my "Animation Basics" exploration.
Bouncing ball with Squash & Stretch
Model of the week...
I made this in 3Ds Max a while ago, but realised I've never really rendered anything out. The design was for a game, it was going to be a building to be used at the docks as a warehouse.
Im pretty happy with the outcome, apart from the boat being too low poly and the roof lat's being all whoppy..
Photo of the week...
I took this photo whilst scouting out some filming locations around Huddersfield. After hopping a few walls and crossing some fields we found this path on the edge of the woods. Really nice place!
Im adding it to the "needs to be printed" pile.
Inspiration of the week...
I watched an animation called "The Saga of Biorn" -
Its amazing, watching it has made me realise how well 2D and 3D go together if used properly, I think I may use 2D backgrounds on some projects in the future.