Animation of the week...
Probably the animation Im most proud of so far. I played with the Max rig some more, after messing with some initial poses I decided to make him jump of the building that I showed last week. Learnt a lot whilst doing it, especially about the IK/FK snap, and changing it mid animation. On top of that though, brilliant fun.
Jump Animation
Model of the week...
Gah! Nothing this week, just not really modelled anything that's even half finished. I'll make up with it next week by modelling 2 things!
Photo of the week...
A portrait this week! I took it whilst filming an action scene in woodland. I really like the lines in the picture, plus the small pile of twigs (which was actually a bivouac) add a bit of character.
Inspiration of the week...
Tim showed this in a presentation he did for University. It was brilliant! The simple style works so well, I had never heard of them before, which I'm kind of gutted about now. It shows how humour and character can be added without the need of dialogue, but with just movement and random grunts & laughs. Brilliant stuff.