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Im Craig, an Animation student

Wednesday 13 October 2010

I've seen the light!

Seeing as the placement year is slowly looming I've been looking at some Show Reels to see how people in the industry put theirs together, and also to see what it is exactly I'd like to do in the industry if I get in.

My favourite so far is easily this one...

William "Rocky" Vanoost 2010 Animation Reel from William Vanoost on Vimeo.

This is the show reel of William Vanoost a Character Animator at Blur studios. Its amazing! He works mainly on CGI Cut scenes for Games, something Id be really interested in doing. I think this reel was put together really well, even the music fitted it perfectly, his work wouldn't look out of place in motion picture. 

I'm going to try and contact William and ask for some tips towards what I want to specialise into in the industry, seeing the animation in that reel, especially the fight scenes, makes me want to look into character animation a lot more, its something I have never really had a proper go at, blaming it mostly on not having access to good rigs (I cant rig very well yet!) but I shall work around that.. 

Looks like this year its time to put down the games and start animating and modelling till I drop, goodbye outside, I shall miss you!

Even though its a long shot, I'm going to have a look into Blur Studio's for a placement, at the end of the day the worst they can say is no!