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Im Craig, an Animation student

Sunday 31 October 2010

The Shoe Factory

I got around to rendering and uploading The Shoe Factory last night. Here it is..

This animation is meant to deliver the idea of classification of shoes according to the wearer, or in this case the "Customer". The idea of this animation is that a customer (In this case Vince Vallero!) inserts a picture of himself into a machine, this picture is then taken down to the "Shoe Factory" where a robot processes the order according to the picture. He basically places the picture into the machine and then sets up it up so an appropriate shoe is made. Afterwards he scans to check if the shoe fits the customers personality and delivers it.

The rig I've made is pretty dynamic so I can easily make more animations with different narratives at a later date. I'm planning on making one where the shoe is rejected, and also one where the robot just cant make a shoe for the customer.